1. Decide whether you would like to buy a basket or simply make a donation. If you would like to donate look at the link below "Our Mission".
2. Select your basket beneath "Baskets".
3. Once you have decided on your Basket go to the "Payment Options" tab to chose how you would like to purchase your baskets.
4. After checking out PLEASE click "More" on the top of the site and fill out the Personal Message. This message will be written out by me and put in your purchased basket/baskets. Doing this is truly the meaning of making it personal so please don't overlook it.
5. Lastly, for clarification, all profits will go to my dancer page for Dance Marathon to help raise the $2,500 by February, the deadline. This basket WILL NOT be delivered to you but directly to the hospital to help bless someone.
6. Thank you for being a part of something so much greater than ourselves! You are making more of an impact than you could ever know.
7. If you have any questions feel free to use the email at the bottom of the site or the chat option in the right corner.
Our Mission
Riley Hospital handles about 300,000 patients every year, many of which are suffering from extreme sickness and are constantly going through treatments. There have been so many wonderful organizations and people helping these children, including Carmel High School's student government which I am apart of. My individual goal is to raise $2,500 (with the deadline of February 23) for Riley by selling baskets for the family members of Riley kids. What makes this process unique is that usually gifts are gathered for the actual patient, but what goes unnoticed to most are the exhausted parents or the struggling siblings. These are the people who work so hard to help their child and rarely get the attention they need as well. Our mission is to reach out and touch these families while raising money for Riley so that they can continue reaching out and helping their loved one.